Heart Health Equals Hard Health

We all know that too much of a good thing ends up being not so good for us, right? And I know you’ve heard it many times before: a healthy diet is one of the best ways to ensure that we keep all the systems in our bodies running as smoothly as they can. Indulging…

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Boosting Bedroom Bliss

I recently stumbled upon a fantastic article which explores lifestyle habits that can significantly enhance a couple’s intimate relationship. As a big advocate for the importance of lifestyles changes for better sexual health, I found the article insights incredibly valuable. While I often stress the importance of healthy weight management and reducing alcohol intake in…

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Cracking the Whole-Person Wellness Code

When it comes to the idea of whole-person wellness, there’s often one piece of the puzzle that doesn’t receive the attention it deserves. Approximately 30% to 50% of individuals encounter sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, sexual health is sometimes dismissed as merely a pursuit of physical pleasure or seen as a…

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Rising to the Occasion

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a common issue that affects many men. One of the most well-known and widely used treatments for ED is Viagra. Viagra is a medication that has been used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) for decades. Its active ingredient, sildenafil, works by increasing blood flow to the penis, which helps to…

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Good Vibrations

I recognise that in the past, discussing sex toys and other forms of sexual exploration may have been seen as taboo or stigmatized. However, I am pleased to see that more and more people are embracing their sexuality and recognizing the value of exploring different forms of pleasure, including the use of sex toys. As…

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Parents, We Need to Talk to Our Children About Sex

I know firsthand how tricky it can be to talk about sex with children. But despite the awkwardness, it’s crucial that we have these conversations to ensure our kids have the knowledge they need to make healthy and informed decisions. First things first, it’s important for me to make it clear that talking to children…

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