Bathmate Trim

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Introducing the Bathmate Pubic Hair Trimmer: The Mane-tamer of Your Nether Regions!

Manscaping is the practice of grooming and maintaining body hair, on a man, or a person who identifies as a man.


Why would I want to do that you ask. Well one very good reason is that if you need to use a penis pump for penile health and rehabilitation then it is much more effective and comfortable when a bit of manscaping is attended too, plus your wood will look bigger without the bush. Most importantly you will get a much better seal. If you have been snorkeling with a mask and had hair caught in the facemask you will know the water leaks in, it is the same with a penis vacuum device. Now I am not suggesting a close shave, but a nice close trim will do the trick.

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round and behold the Bathmate Pubic Hair Trimmer, the Swiss Army Knife of the netherworld grooming! You thought your down-there jungle was impenetrable, but this little beast is here to civilize your wild terrain.

You see, this trimmer isn’t just any trimmer. It waltzes through your pubic underbrush with the grace of a professional ballerina. It’s so precise that it could probably trim a poodle’s fur into a work of art (although we don’t recommend trying that).

The Bathmate Pubic Hair Trimmer is so discreet, it could sneak up on a ninja. It’s whisper-quiet, so you can carry on your grooming business without alerting the whole neighborhood. Plus, it’s designed to fit comfortably in your hand, so you can navigate the treacherous waters of your sensitive regions with finesse. And let’s not forget about its safety features. It’s equipped with blades so gentle, there will be no more awkward mishaps or war wounds in the name of grooming.

But wait, there’s more! It even comes with a built-in light, just in case you’re exploring the uncharted territories of your jungle in the dark. The Bathmate Pubic Hair Trimmer ensures you never miss a spot.

Check out the various pumps we sell below

Bathmate Hydro 7 Penis Pump